O’ Connor Apartments

Ocean View Apartment Living in North Coogee

Site Context:

Suburban/ Coastal




$10.8 million

Building Notes

  • 18 Apartment Tower unit (inclusive of 2x Penthouses)
  • 4 Double Storey Townhouses
  • Green park integrated behind apartment towers


The 4x townhouses that front O’Connor Close are separated into 2 ‘blocks’ with a central courtyard through the middle. This provides a defined entry way for residents to access the townhouses and rear apartments, giving a distinct sense of arrival.

The gabled design and materiality (brick, weatherboard cladding) of the townhouses are aligned with the coastal character of the neighbourhood. A reduced height (2 storeys) and scale on the street allow the development to tie in with the existing streetscape.


Rear apartments have been designed to maximise the potential of the site. All apartments have beachside views that open out from the main living area and balcony. An open air walkway is proposed at the rear of the apartment block to provide opportunities for natural cross ventilation for the internal apartments. This also allows for visual interaction towards the western side of the site and within the development.

The central location of the courtyard places an emphasis on pedestrian movement within the development, relegating vehicle access to the peripheries. Limiting driveway widths and differing floor finishes seek to prioritise pedestrians over vehicles where the two access ways intersect.

The central courtyard helps to facilitate an increase in soft landscaping and open space within the development.

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